Riverside County Sheriff's deputies arrested Idyllwild local Joshua Cody Benson, 21, on suspicion of committing felony assault. The attack took place around 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 23 near Mountain Top Liquor on Highway 243 when Benson assaulted another man.

The individual assaulted received injuries sufficient to require hospitalization. Paramedics from Idyllwild Fire Protection District responded at 7:39 p.m. and transported the victim to the Riverside County Regional Medical Center in the city of Moreno Valley.

Deputies arrested Benson near Lake Hemet at 11:45 p.m. on Thursday, May 24, after an investigation. Benson was charged with felony assault with the intent to commit mayhem, felony battery with intent to commit serious bodily injury, felony assault using a firearm, and felony receipt of stolen property. Bail for each assault and battery charge was set at $75,000 and at $50,000 for the stolen property charge.

Benson remains in custody at the Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility in Banning with a hearing date scheduled at Southwest Justice Center in Murietta on Wednesday, May 30.


  1. The violence in Idyllwild needs to stop ! These "20 something" are on drugs and it is NOT OK for them to just have a good time" the townsfolk don't realize that the drug problem up there has gotten way out of hand. CALL THE SHERIFF UNTIL THEY KNOW YOU BY FIRST NAME< OR DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE YOURSELF !

    • You expect "the townsfolk" to call the sheriff to report that "20 something" year olds are on drugs and having a good time? Violently good times huh? I understand if you are recommending us "townsfolk" to report actual first hand seen by our own eyes criminal activities. Anyone that witnesses any illegal activity should call the police, but to suggest annoying the sheriff until they know you by your first name over the "20 something" year olds unassumingly that are on drugs. Define drugs. I've noticed there seems to be different age groups trending in different drugs. Most drug users have difficulty in controlling their anger may be more likely to act impulsively, thus turning the violence on themselves rather than on others.

      The "DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE YOURSELF !" comment we could of all done without, but thanks.

  2. Tragic and unnecessary, sad to see all the lives ruined over what I have heard was a $10 debt. What ever happened to a good old fist fight where everyone is friends after the disagreement? Was $10 worth this much mayhem, I think not.

  3. Omnius, it would be stereotypically cliche to state the violence is the fault of the 20 somethings crowd. You can’t condemn one particular age group and blame them for a problem concerning all ages, we are all effected by the needless violence.