The Idyllwild Garden Club starts the 2012 season with their popular March Soup-er on Tuesday, March 6. Members and visitors are invited to enjoy hot soups and bread, as well as Edith Brix’ fun and informative presentation.
Brix will demonstrate how to use commonly available materials and a minimum amount of fresh flowers to create a number of unique and colorful arrangements in your home. Anyone who has had the pleasure of attending one of Edith’s presentations will say they are a “must-see.”
This is a great opportunity to learn more about the Garden Club, enter a raffle, get a list of upcoming events and learn some fascinating tricks for flower arranging.
The meeting and food service will begin at noon at the Community Presbyterian Church (lower level), 54400 N. Circle Dr. Come early to ensure getting a good seat.
For more information, call, (951) 659-2907, or email