Editor’s note: On April 17, the County Service Area 38 Advisory Committee sent the following letter to the five members of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors, including 3rd District Supervisor Jeff Stone.
Honorable Board Members:
In light of the recent position of Idyllwild Fire Protection District regarding the pending cancellation of our ambulance contract, the members of CSA 38 would like to express our sincere thanks to the Board of Supervisors, Riverside County Fire Department, Economic Development Agency and the Riverside EMS Authority for recent efforts to provide uninterrupted paramedic ambulance service to residents, visitors and property owners of the mountain plateau communities including Pine Cove. We recognize the difficulty of this task and are aware of the herculean efforts taking place by our government officials. Please know that it is appreciated by all of us.
Additionally the members of CSA 38 respectfully request that a letter of appreciation be drafted and sent to the Idyllwild Fire Protection District from the Board of Supervisors, thanking them for their many years of loyal service to the community of Pine Cove. We have enjoyed the safety and benefits of paramedic ambulance service from their agency for years and ask that you express and acknowledge our satisfaction with that service as we begin the process, at your direction, of moving forward with other options.
Thank you again for your continued support and guidance.
Jerry Holldber
CSA 38 Chairman
[…] “It is time for other mountain communities, not just Pine Cove, to move on and research and study the available options,” Holldber said when asked about the meeting. He reaffirmed the committee’s letter to the Board of Supervisor here. […]
I'm confused. Mr. Holldber says "We have enjoyed the safety and benefits of paramedic ambulance service from their agency for years and ask that you express and acknowledge our satisfaction with that service". If csa 38 enjoyed and was satisfied why would anyone suggest, in this economic climate to take on "herculean efforts" and his description "difficulty of this task" with limited resources and time? Is there a less costly alternative out there, that only a secret few know about? If there is please tell the rest of us before we have no ambulance service.