Opinion: Lest we forget …
Have we forgotten what Memorial Day represents?
The May 24 Town Crier issue reviewed the highlights of the Memorial Day weekend. Lots of words on yard sales, wildflower show, dining and entertainment.
Two of the four Town Talk interviewees were going to do something to honor those who have served this country. Nowhere in the entire paper could I find anything about the memorial service sponsored by the American Legion Post 800. Nowhere was an announcement of the time of the service.
Many of your readers may not even know the significance of 11 a.m. on Memorial Day. What a shame.
We might not be able to have these yard sales, wildflower shows, dining and entertainment if it were not for those hundreds of thousands of men and women who have honorably served and the many who have lost their lives in the defense of our liberties. Freedom has not been free. And that includes freedom of the press.
I hope that you review the purpose of Memorial Day prior to the event next year. Your coverage in the May 31 edition is a little late.
John Kracha
Idyllwild and Chula Vista
Editor’s Note: Thank you. I agree.