10-acre fire burns along Hwy. 74

A fund to help Idyllwild residents by restocking the Idyllwild HELP Center’s pantry is underway at www.gofundme.com/3o271o.
Cal Fire performed a successful helicopter evacuation of an injured hiker from the Sunshine Face of Suicide Rock on Sunday, March 19. According to Jody Hagemann, Cal Fire senior public information specialist, Cal Fire was notified by Idyllwild Fire Protection District of the incident and responded at 4:44 p.m. According to the Cal Fire report,…
From Monday, Aug. 6 through Thursday, Aug 9, Caltrans will be working on the Hwy 74 from Lake Hemet Campground to Keen Camp Maintenance Station. There will be flagging and delay between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.
The Town Crier’s Membership lists keep expanding. This week, we’ll just show you the running totals: Town Crier new 2nd-year Memberships (43 brand-new 2nd-year Memberships as of Oct. 30, 2018) Town Crier renewed 2nd-year Memberships (Already 170 renewed Memberships as of Oct. 30, 2018) Town Crier active Memberships (676 total active memberships as of Oct….
General Manager Jack Hoagland of the Idyllwild Water District issued a press release to the Town Crier on Monday, July 9, indicating that this week it is mailing its customers an “Official Notice” advising that “the District has exceeded the maximum contaminate limit (MCL) for both total trihalomethanes (TTHM) of 80 parts per billion and…
The Idyllwild Fire Protection District commission met Tuesday afternoon, June 24, in a special session. The commission acknowledged receipt of the most recent grand jury report and held a closed session to consider the possible discipline, dismissal or release of an employee or employees. The individual or individuals were not identified. When asked if any…