Idyllwild Fire studying patient satisfaction data
The Idyllwild Fire Protection District Commission is considering instituting a patient satisfaction assessment in the future.
Commissioner Dr. Charles “Chip” Schelly suggested the idea to his colleagues and agreed to further research the concept.
“It’s an outcome assessment,” Schelly explained. “After our care of a patient is through, what was the quality of that care?”
IFPD frequently includes “Thank you” or other letters expressing appreciation for the medics help. Schelly said it would be helpful to quantify those outcomes and also identify where the district might improve its service.
Most of the discussion focused on whether post cards, letters or emails would generate higher patient feedback. Schelly volunteered to investigate the response method further and also how to ensure protection of patient information.
In other business, interim Fire Chief Mike Sherman reported he was conducting a background check and negotiations with one of the fire chief applicants. He did not estimate when this process would be completed.
Consequently, the commission unanimously agreed to extend Sherman’s contract through Aug. 15 or a maximum of 959 hours whichever occurs first. He estimated that about 180 hours remain available.
When asked about the status of inspections, Sherman reported that 618 had been completed.
Commissioner Jerry Buchanan reported the District is still negotiating with career firefighters and is close to an agreement.