It has come to my attention that Town Hall kids are being told that they are not allowed to play in the new playground.

This is a travesty. I spent three days working 12 to 14 hours on it for our community, and then to hear that some of our kids are not worthy to play on it.

Who are these people to tell children this. They need to take a good look at their motives for building it in the first place.

Robert Brower


  1. I am wondering from what planet you are from, Mr. Smith–As the the playground, is in fact built on land donated to the community of Idyllwild and that of which, the funds to build the children's park, had been donated by the those who reside in Idyllwild and other points. But to say to any child, that he or she is not allowed to play at the park, is unacceptable. Whoever had made the decree to allow what child to enjoy the playground, I hope, did not come from the very person or people who put the project together….For that, would be an insult to the community and to those who donated their time to build it.