Reptiles take over Nature Center

Management and maintenance of Idyllwild’s Town Hall facility will become the responsibility of the Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District on July 1. A year ago, the Board of Supervisors approved the shift of the County Service Areas, which have recreation responsibility, from the Economic Development Agency to the parks district. This includes CSA…
Dear Santa, I have been as good as a two-year-old can be. For Christmas I would like chicken nuggets. From, Jameson Jones (age 2) Dear Santa, I’ve been extra good at school. I would like an Ariel Princess Pad for Christmas and a pink sparkly sweater. I love you, Santa. From, Emily Jones (age 4)…
Artist Gerald Clarke sends a message within his Beer and Soda Can Basket art that is contemporary, traditional and universal. It all started with Clarke noticing that the shape of a satellite dish was about the shape of a Cahuilla Indian basket, but of course, a lot larger. He envisioned this out-sized modern basket base…
The Idyllwild Community Center organization is presenting a Valentine’s celebration from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 16, at Town Hall. This fundraiser and fun-raiser will support the ICC building project. The program will include Greg Kojar singing love songs and a “Not-So-Newlywed Game” featuring local couples. Preselected entertaining contestants for the game include Elaine…
Tahquitz occupies a distinguished place in rock-climbing history. The rock-climbing portion of the Yosemite Decimal System of grading climbing routes was developed on Tahquitz in the 1950s. The grading system spread to Canada and the rest of the Americas. Ryan Strickland, physics and math teacher at Idyllwild Arts, learned to climb on Tahquitz after arriving…
The Idyllwild Arts Academy jazz combo took first place for the second consecutive year at the prestigious Berklee College of Music High School Jazz Festival, now in its 44th year …