Reptiles take over Nature Center

Shelley Kibby, the park interpreter at the Idyllwild Nature Center, is holding a large gopher snake while the Jr. Naturalists have the opportunity to feel its skin. Photo by Careena Chase


Dr. Bill Hayes, a biology professor at Loma Linda, shows a South Pacific rattlesnake, which is local to the Idyllwild area, during his presentation, titled “Roam the Realm of the Regal, Reclusive, Recoiling Reptiles,” at Idyllwild Nature Center Sunday. Hayes explained that this specific rattler not only carries venom but also the very dangerous Mojave Toxin, a neurotoxin. Photo by Careena Chase


Ten year old Sophia Glynne, from Idyllwild and San Diego, is enJoying holding a Rosy Boa snake at the Idyllwild Nature Center on Sunday, part of the Jr. Naturalist program and Dr. Bill Hayes presentation on reptiles. Photo by Careena Chase


Hayes brings out a Rosy Boa, local to Idyllwild, for the Jr. Naturalists to hold during Sundays presentation at the Nature Center on Roam the Realm of the Regal, Reclusive, Recoiling Reptiles. Photo by Careena Chase

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