Fire log
Hill fire stations responded to the following calls, Monday to Monday, Sept. 25 to Oct. 1, 2012:
Idyllwild Fire Department and Ambulance
Sept. 25 — Walk-in medical aid.
Sept. 26 — Medical aid, Saunders Meadow Road, Idyllwild.
Sept. 27 — Medical aid, Delano Drive, Idyllwild.
Sept. 27 — Medical aid, Overlook Drive, Pine Cove.
Sept. 27 — Medical aid, Saunders Meadow Road, Idyllwild.
Sept. 28 — Medical aid, South Circle Drive, Idyllwild.
Sept. 29 — Medical aid, Highway 243 and Marion Ridge Drive, Pine Cove.
Sept. 29 — Walk-in medical aid.
Sept. 29 — Traffic collision, Highway 243 at Ridgeview Drive, Idyllwild.
Sept. 30 — Medical aid, Marion View Drive, Idyllwild.
Sept. 30 — Walk-in medical aid.
Sept. 30 — Vegetation fire.
Sept. 30 — Malfunctioning smoke detector, North Circle Drive, Idyllwild.
Sept. 30 — Medical aid, Lilac Lane, Idyllwild.
Riverside County Fire, Garner Valley
Sept. 24 — Medical aid, Hotei Lane, Pine Cove.
Sept. 24 — Traffic collision, Highway 243, Mountain Center.
Sept. 25 — Public service assist, 59700 block of Hop Patch Spring Road, Garner Valley.
Sept. 27 — Medical aid, 59200 block of Morris Ranch Road, Garner Valley.
Sept. 29 — Traffic collision, highways 243 and 74, Mountain Center.
Sept. 29 — Medical aid, 59200 block of Morris Ranch Road, Garner Valley.
Sept. 30 — Traffic collision, highways 243 and 74, Mountain Center.
CHP log
The resident post of the California Highway Patrol responded to the following calls from Monday to Monday, Sept. 20 to Oct. 1. This may not be a complete list of responses:
Sept. 29 — Two-vehicle, one-motorcycle collision with injury, Highway 243 south of Ridgeview Drive.
Sept. 29 — SUV-motorcycle collision with injury, Highway 74 east of 243.
Sept. 30 — Single vehicle collision with two injuries, crash south of Saunders Meadow Road.
Sheriff’s log
Log unavailable.