No charges in Hemet High smashup

Following extensive review, the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office has determined no criminal charges will be filed against the driver of a 1994 Ford Ranger pickup that struck and injured several students outside Hemet High School on May 30, 2012.

The California Highway Patrol, assisted by the CHP’s Border Division Multidisciplinary Accident Investigation Team (MAIT), determined that certain initial information regarding the circumstances of the crash was inaccurate.

Further investigation revealed that the pickup driven by 18-year-old Daniel Carrillo actually was slowing as it approached the area where the pedestrians were struck on East Stetson Avenue. The vehicle’s brakes apparently malfunctioned, and the driver was actively trying to stop the truck before the pedestrians were hit.

While no criminal charges will be filed, the matter has been referred back to the CHP for the issuance of a traffic citation to the driver related to the mechanical issues with the pickup.

Six female (three age 15, two age 16 and one age 17) and two male (one age 15 and one age 16) students were transported to local hospitals. All were Hemet residents. As of Monday, June 4, all but one student had been released from the hospitals. The injured female student, a Hemet High sophomore, remained in serious condition at Riverside County Regional Medical Center, but was released during the summer and is recovering.

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One Comment

  1. I will continue to post on every news article I see until something is done to provide safety for these kids in these busy school zones. It would be unreasonable to ruin this young man's life over this, but there must be some sort of consequence to prevent this from ever happening again. As bus service has been nearly eliminated, traffic is dangerous at Hemet High and every school as students flood the avenues around their campuses. Safety should be a primary concern, but funds are being cut in every area of education other that the school board members salaries. Let every board member contribute $20,000 and build a bridge over that crazy crosswalk!

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