Two Monday night break-ins disrupt Idyllwild’s crime decline

Two break-ins on Monday night disrupted what had been two relatively crime-free months in Idyllwild. About 4 a.m. in the early morning of Oct. 29, masked burglars broke the glass in the front entry door of the Idyllwild Shell Station, entered the vacant premises apparently seeking money or goods.
Security cameras captured the burglars’ images and that of their vehicle. Station owner James Jang would not confirm if or how much money or goods may have been taken but confirmed that Hemet Station Sheriff’s deputies had already responded and taken a full report, including the evidence of security camera images.
The second burglary occurred at Café Aroma. The outdoor ATM, owned by Joel B. Feingold, was burgled.
The ATM was removed from its wall location, broken into and left in a dismantled state. The burglars also left behind a flashlight.
At press time, there was not yet a published sheriff’s report of the incidents. Anyone with information on this incident should call Hemet Station at (951) 791-3400. Special Investigations Supervisor Sgt. Wallace Clear said the station is working on the two incidents in order to develop leads.

On an episode on the detective show Monk, they got fingerprints off the batteries from the flashlight.
Its probably the same crooks that broke in to the town hall months ago, tried to steal the ATM, but ended up stealing the waitress tip jar money. The thief can be identified by his extremely small penis for ripping off a tip jar. Small penis I say. So small.