Deer in Mountain Center

Even though an anonymous report forced Town Hall’s preschool to close on Thursday, May 24, a scheduled graduation for the students took place on Thursday …
The Idyllwild Skate Park (ISP) Games brought dozens of youngsters from throughout Riverside County to the Hill on Saturday, July 23.
10:56 A.M. UPDATE: The Mountain Fire did not destroy Mountain Center. At this time, we do not know if any structures in that area were affected. However, vegetation on both sides of Highway 243 were destroy.
“Nancy Connery, director of Sky Hunters Raptor Education and Rehabilitation Center in Alpine, made a presentation at the Caine Learning Center on Saturday …
The Idyllwild Historic Preservation District Review Board met with a number of property owners and renters whose properties fall within district boundaries to explain the district and the renovation permitting process. At the Sunday afternoon presentation, Riverside County Historic Preservation Officer Keith Herron reviewed Idyllwild’s history as a settlement, why and how the historic preservation…
Although it was approved, the district cannot be implemented until there are approved design guidelines and a seated local review board …