65 years ago - 1948
All major streams in the mountains had been stocked for the May 1 trout opener. Among the volunteers were a couple of young boys, Jimmy Johnson and Don Brolin.
60 years ago - 1953
The Chamber of Commerce took action to see how the disturbance caused by bugles and loudspeakers in area summer camps could be regulated.
55 years ago - 1958
Jerry Johnson’s Foster Lake was scheduled to open for angling.
45 years ago - 1968
A two bedroom, furnished cabin was listed for rent in the Town Crier classified ads for $65 per month.
35 years ago - 1978
Dr. Alfred Bork, part-time Idyllwild resident, received the 1978 Robert A. Millikan Lecture Award for his expertise in computer science. “Computers over the next 25 years will become the dominant mode of education at all levels,” he said.
30 years ago - 1983
Three local children, Jeffrey Muir, 5, Lauren Muir, 4, and Christopher Murray Gioeli, 6, spent almost 11 hours in below-freezing temperatures in the area west of Deer Springs Trail before being found by members of the Riverside Mountain Rescue Unit. They had become lost after they decided to go on a picnic and wandered away from their babysitter’s house.
25 years ago - 1988
Local resident and businessman, Frank Ferro, made his debut performance in the lead role of Alessandro in the 61st annual production of the Ramona Pageant.
20 years ago - 1993
The Idyllwild HELP Center was granted almost two acres of property, including two single-family homes, for a lease of just $1 a year by the owners who wished to remain anonymous.
15 years ago - 1998
Hill business owners, meeting with a sheriff’s deputy at a Chamber meeting, discussed the problem of youngsters skateboarding on Fort property and agreed to look into writing a grant to establish a local skateboarding facility.
10 years ago - 2003
In an attempt to raise federal funds, Gov. Gray Davis asked President Bush to declare a national state of emergency in Riverside County because of the enormous number of dead and dying trees resulting from four years of drought and a devastating bark beetle infestation.
5 years ago - 2008
The body of an unidentified female was found about 50 yards off the Pacific Crest Trail in the wilderness area north of Apple Canyon Road.
1 year ago - 2012
Gary Busher, local coordinator for the Second Harvest Food Bank distribution, reported an increase in commodity applicants. He said the group distributed 300 boxes to more than 500 recipients.
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Increased sediment flow identified in the old roadbeds locally called Coyote Run, Hurkey Creek Climb, and Upper and Lower Exfoliator prompted Forest Service officials to issue a temporary closure of these areas for public use.