California’s Emergency Management Agency has just announced approval of a federal grant for financial assistance to help extinguish the Summit Fire burning near Banning. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has authorized a special Fire Management Assistance Grant, which provides funds to reimburse eligible firefighting expenses.

"Resources can get strained during this time of year, so these funds are critical for providing our local and state firefighters with the tools they need to fight this fire," said Cal EMA Secretary Mark Ghilarducci. "We are doing everything we can to assist the fire-affected areas and the firefighters who are bravely fighting this fire. We are thankful for the support from our federal partners and glad that they understand the magnitude of the Summit Fire."

This specific funding provided by FEMA allows a 75 percent federal cost-share reimbursement, through the President's Disaster Relief Fund, to California for eligible costs incurred in firefighting activities. The other 25 percent of firefighting costs is left to the local jurisdiction.

The FMAG is available to state, local and tribal governments. The reimbursed costs must be the result of fire disaster declared by the Governor and performed within the designated fire area using resources requested by incident commanders. Reimbursements can include supplies, labor, travel, repairs, administrative costs and mobilizations/demobilizations.