65 years ago - 1948
Town Crier raised its annual subscription rate to $2.50. The paper was biweekly except during summer, when it was published every week.
60 years ago - 1953
A new business opening in Fern Valley Corners was Bill Francisco’s Professional Pharmacy.
55 years ago - 1958
A variety show at Town Hall featured the first performance of the Idyllwild Chorus.
50 years ago - 1963
The season’s total moisture was 14.9 inches, compared to 22.22 inches the previous year.
45 years ago - 1968
County supervisors called for bids for construction of a fire station in Pine Cove. Dwight Metcalfe had designed the proposed station.
40 years ago - 1973
The new Restaurant Gastrognome did sell-out business on its opening weekend.
35 years ago - 1978
The Idyllwild Post Office moved to its new location in the Strawberry Creek Shopping Center. Postmaster Lloyd Wood reminded folk that the price of mailing a first-class letter would increase to 15 cents.
30 years ago - 1983
After 10 weeks of negotiations between the Idyllwild Arts Foundation and University of Southern California officials, talks ended in a stalemate. As a result, IAF would exercise a contractual option to repurchase the Idyllwild School of Music and the Arts campus.
25 years ago - 1988
Garner Valley residents protested renovations at Camp Joe Scherman operated by the Girl Scout Council of Orange County. They were worried that local water supply could be exhausted because of a 5-acre lake being built at the camp.
20 years ago - 1993
It was announced that Idyllwild Medical Clinic, a satellite of Eisenhower Medical Center, would be adding an examining room, X-ray equipment and expanded laboratory.
15 years ago - 1998
Bella Lewitsky was to give the commencement address at Idyllwild Arts Academy’s graduation ceremony. Lewitsky was the creator and choreographer of the Lewitsky Dance Company and had served as its director for 30 years.
10 years ago - 2003
The House of Representatives passed the Healthy Forests Restoration Act, which authorized $350 million over the next five years to help save the nation’s forests.
5 years ago - 2008
Donors were set to transfer the land upon which the Idyllwild Community Center will be built to the Idyllwild Community Recreation Council.
1 year ago - 2012
An anonymous report to State of California authorities resulted in the state’s Department of Social Services shutting down the preschool program at Town Hall. County Service Area Operations Manager Bill Brown said he anticipated the preschool would reopen in about a week.