Bobcats and Sharks
The Bobcats take control of the ball and head down the field against the Blue Sharks.
Photo by Jenny Kirchner
The Bobcats take control of the ball and head down the field against the Blue Sharks.
Photo by Jenny Kirchner
While enjoying our winter wonderland Sunday morning, I proceeded to clean the white stuff off our vehicles. Never quite recovered from having my spine fused, I comptemplated letting the 30-inch berm melt and venturing out in June. Along came a compassionate soul with a plow. The driver made three passess and the berm was gone….
Friday night at the Marine Memorial Club in San Francisco, Becky Clark, former Town Crier editor and publisher, thanks Will Fleet, Fresno Bee publisher, for his tenure as president of the California Press Association. At the dinner, Clark also assumed her two-year term as the new association president.
Or gray santolina (Santolina chamaecyparissus)is a fine-textured, bushy and mound-forming shrub …
Many talented musicians played for hours Sunday during the first ever Midsummer Music Festival in Idyllwild at the Quiet Creek Inn. Proceeds from the event benefited the Earthwitness Foundation.