Bagpipers plan another summer concert

Photo by J.P. Crumrine
Organizers met Saturday at Gary Parton’s Alpen Glow Lilac Gardens to discuss the return of the University of California, Riverside’s Bag Pipe Band to Idyllwild. The band has marched in the annual Fourth of July Parade for more than 10 years and the past two years performed a pipe concert the night before the parade.
Some concern was expressed about the band’s ability to participate in the parade since the university does not provide any funding, explained Pipe Major Mike Terry. The band members have to personally pay expenses for these trips. However, some local individuals have offered to contribute to the band’s expenses.
Many members with family arrive several days before the parade to enjoy the Hill’s holiday ambiance, according Terry.
Plans are being formulated for the third July 3 pre-parade concert, again to be held at Parton’s lilac garden setting. Since the dinner component may not be available this year, Terry plans to begin the concert around 6 p.m. so that it concludes while there is still daylight for concert attendees to walk to their cars.