
Photos: Idyllwild Arts Summer Program

Fashion Show:  The Idyllwild Arts Summer Program included a youth fashion design class and concluded Saturday with a fashion show. Here, Zoe Neuschatz displays her red lycra top and white twill circle skirt. Photo by Cheryl Basye
Fashion Show:
The Idyllwild Arts Summer Program included a youth fashion design class and concluded Saturday with a fashion show. Here, Zoe Neuschatz displays her red lycra top and white twill circle skirt.
Photo by Cheryl Basye
SONGWRITING: While songwriting has been a course at the Idyllwild Arts Academy for a few years, the Summer Program offered its first songwriting session this summer. Here, (from left) are Alec Whiting, Drake Vernoy, Julene Jessel, Julian Caspole and Ann Boyle performing their songs, as well as a couple of cover songs Saturday during the final recital. Photo by Jenny Kirchner
SONGWRITING: While songwriting has been a course at the Idyllwild Arts Academy for a few years, the Summer Program offered its first songwriting session this summer. Here, (from left) are Alec Whiting, Drake Vernoy, Julene Jessel, Julian Caspole and Ann Boyle performing their songs, as well as a couple of cover songs Saturday during the final recital.
Photo by Jenny Kirchner

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One Comment

  1. Hi,

    I have a question, since I am WAY past my high school age and I am updating Widipeka in German, it was written that Idyllwild had or has no High school in 1970 and parents have been fighting to get one ever since, I would like to clear this up, or leave it as is.
    Thank you and

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