
Readers write: Sign removal hurt groups …


I was upset to learn Caltrans had removed yard-sale and open-house signs along Highway 243 Friday before Labor Day weekend. I noticed Saturday morning new signs were up. These signs were not being removed. Only people starting their sales Friday were affected.

Areas like Fern Valley were totally unaffected. This hurt some while gave an unfair advantage to others. All these people deserved an equal chance.

There was no warning given. The signs were simply removed.

Some groups, like the Mountain Community Patrol, depend on a once-a-year sale for income to cover their yearly expenses. People work hard to prepare for and have these sales.

Memorial Day and Labor Day sales have been a tradition on the Hill for many years. People look forward to these times. It’s an opportunity for people to pass things along instead of throwing them in dumpsters.

The HELP Center and Grace’s Thrift Shop benefit from this, too.

I hope Cal-trans will reconsider their actions in the future and leave signs up during these events.

Judi Milin


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One Comment

  1. I respectfully disagree. Caltrans’s job is to maintains the highway. the highway is not your personal advertising campaign grounds. It’s distracting to drivers trying to read the signs, it takes away from the natural beauty of the forest.
    Private property is where the ads should be. Legislating who can advertise, and who is not allowed to, who has too big or too many ads – Starts to look like the dumpy ghettos along the 10 and the 60 freeways.

    Keep America Clean.

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