The Local Review Board for the Idyllwild Historic Preservation District last week discussed the work being done at 54200 N. Circle Drive (the front building of the Village Lane arcade). The property is a contributing resource within the district’s boundaries, according to the original historic property survey of September 2009.
Possible changes were briefly discussed at both the June and August meetings. The owners — Paul and Katherine White — of the proposed new enterprise, Idyllwild Bake Shop & Brew, met and discussed their plans with the board at the August meeting. However, a formal application has not been submitted.
Since a building permit was not needed, it’s unlikely the County Planning staff advised the owners of the necessary Historic District application. However, Keith Herron, county historic preservation officer, told the board he has discussed this type of situation with the planning staff.
“There will be new directives to counter staff,” Herron said. “Whether [the property] needs a building permit or not, if the property is within the [Idyllwild Historic] District, they will please check [to see] if it’s a historic building.”
Interior changes and exterior paint are not within the board’s review authority, Herron said. “We have no color palette, so it’s a matter of working with them on what might be an appropriate color for those buildings.”
The building’s style is considered Arts and Crafts and was probably built in the 1940s or 1950s. The historic survey stated, “[The property was] converted to an arcade of shops by 1958, … but the property is otherwise intact from the 1950s.”