Sports: High School, Middle School, Town Hall and more

Photo by Joe Neu

Photo by Jessica Priefer

Photo by Jessica Priefer

Photo by Jannette Santiago

Photo by Mike Vladika
Town Hall Soccer
Richard Mozeleski filed this report on local soccer action at Town Hall:
This is the last week of youth soccer on the Hill. By Thursday we will have a champion in the ages 6-8 and 9-11 divisions. The teens and adults will meander into November as daylight and personal schedules permit.
The little tykes will wind up fast and furious as usual. This was the first year a score was kept for those games, and all survived. As a matter of fact, those “Idy bidies” drew the biggest crowds, hands down. There is no truth to the rumor that high stakes betting between grandparents was fueling this. Anyway, all the positive outweighed any of the regular negative that always finds its way in up here. The kids are always top shelf. A year of this for me and that still holds true.
Sadly, though, for the sports “family” up here (and I hate that word thrown around like that, but for what it’s worth): The group has had and is going through some trials. A young boy banged his head and will hopefully get through this uncertainty. One of our teenagers has gotten ill, and that, too, I pray changes for the better. And there are adults with enough nagging injuries to keep the nurse’s office busy. And I still don’t know how a “piñata fest” every two minutes with the kids feet and a ball doesn’t produce at least a broken shin pad or two. So, hopefully, everybody gets well, and these championship games will be exciting. That, I’m sure, will be the case.
Standings as of Oct. 27:
Team W L T
Ages 4-5:
Town Crier Storm 2 2 1
Dora’s Red Cheetahs 2 2 1
Leigh’s Awesome Rockets 2 2 1
Ages 6-8: Blue Nightmare 5 0 4
Forest Lumber Manchester United 4 1 4
Rustic Theatre Falcons 4 3 3
Idyllwild Heating Knights 4 3 3
Idyllwild Cabin Rentals Green Dragons 0 10 0
Ages 9-11:
Suburban Sand Dragons 9 0 0
Somewhere In Time Blue Dynamite 5 3 1
Pine Cove Market Crimson Tide 2 7 1
Pacific Slope Avengers170
Clayton Masonry 5 5 0
Austin Tile 5 5 0
Roby Gray Construction 5 5 0
Arriba 8 1 2
Cafe Aroma 7 1 1
Lumber Mill 7 2 1
Idyllwild Bake and Brew 4 5 0
La Casita 2 6 0
Idyllwild Pizza Co. 2 6 0
Ferro 0 9 0