Local man convicted of robbery

A local man was convicted and sentenced in San Bernardino last week for an Oct. 13 robbery at a WalMart store in Ontario.

Jonathan Lee Henderson, 32, of Mountain Center, pleaded nolo contendere (or no contest) to a San Bernardino County Superior Court judge and requested immediate sentencing.

He was sentenced to 180 days in a San Bernardino County jail with credit for 12 days served and given a three-year probation.

Ontario City Police Detective Russell said Henderson stopped at the Walmart on Mountain Avenue and was caught shoplifting. When Walmart loss prevention officers attempted to detain him, Henderson fought with the officers and that escalated the charge from shoplifting to robbery and burglary, he said.

The burglary charge was later dropped. Russell did not know what had been shoplifted or its value.

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One Comment

  1. In the 1980s I worked for the big red retail store, and catching shoplifters was common. The typical procedure was to give the shoplifter 3 options.
    Option 1) Willingly agree to pay the store a large settlement sum ranging from $500 to $5000 for the Loss Prevention resources, and be banned from the store for life – in return the store will drop charges. Or…
    Option 2) Hire your own lawyer. Go to court and defend yourself against surveillance video and corporate lawyers.
    Option 3) Plead guilty or no contest for a free colonscopy in jail for 3 months.

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