Riverside County Waste Management Department has announced it will be collecting household hazardous waste at the Idyllwild County Road Yard from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday Nov. 15.
Electronic waste, such as televisions and computers, will be accepted for free, as well as other hazardous waste. This is particularly important since Waste Management Corp. charges $25 per item to leave electronic waste at the Idyllwild Transfer Station. If electronic waste is taken to the Transfer Station, payment must be made in advance by calling 1-800-423-9986.
There is a limit of 15 gallons of liquid waste or a total of 125 pounds; however, multiple trips are permitted.
Other acceptable items at the household hazardous waste collection Saturday include used oil and filters, latex or oil-based paint, fluorescent tubes or bulbs, pesticides, cleaners, barbecue and camp-sized propane, aerosol cans, antifreeze, auto batteries, garden chemicals, pool chlorine, electronic waste and sharps.
Unacceptable items include government, business, non-profit or out-of county hazardous waste, explosives or ammunition, medical or infectious waste (except sharps), asbestos, radioactive or remediation material, containers larger than 5 gallons or weighing more than 50 pounds, appliances, tires or trash.
Two more collections are planned for 2015.
The County Yard address is 25780 Johnson Road, west of the Idyllwild Fire Station.
For more information, call Riverside County Waste Management at 951-486-3200 or visit the website at www.rivcowm.org.