Lois Denholm, longtime Fairway cashier, faces challenges

Lois Denholm, longtime cashier at Fairway Market, faces challenges caused by her husband’s medical problems. Photo by Marshall Smith
Lois Denholm, longtime cashier at Fairway Market, faces challenges caused by her husband’s medical problems.
Photo by Marshall Smith

Lois Denholm has worked at Fairway for 15 years. Now because of husband Bob’s COPD and congestive heart failure, she has to move off the Hill. She faces the unexpected challenge and expense of having to relocate after many years and do so within a very short time frame.

“He’s been on oxygen for several years, but all of a sudden, two weeks ago it didn’t seem to be enough,” said Lois. After an emergency trip to Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, doctors discovered that Bob’s condition had worsened and that he was not able to expel the carbon dioxide that was building up in his lungs.
“The doctor told us he had to move off the Hill as soon as possible,” Lois related, “because he was being poisoned with the CO2 buildup.”

She’s found an apartment in Hemet but has a short window of time to get it ready for Bob’s transfer from the rehab facility to which he was sent after his hospital stay. Doctors told her on Monday that, because of insurance, he may have only until the end of this week to remain at the rehab facility. She was told she could appeal that and possibly get more time, but she is not certain of that. She had hoped to have until March 31 to get Bob resettled. That is when she will return to work, commuting to her job at the market from Hemet.

Donations are being taken at the market to help the Denholms with the unexpected costs of moving and because Lois has been on unpaid leave while getting all the arrangements made for the move.

An account at Idyllwild BBVA Compass Bank is being opened for donations for Lois and Bob but details are not yet finalized. Check with BBVA or see the Town Crier’s next print edition or online edition for more information.

Lois may also need help loading the U-Haul for the move. If anyone is available to help they can inquire at the market, since the timing of the move is still being determined. “They’ve been very good at the market about leaving notes for me,” said Lois.

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