Bank account at BBVA open for Lois Denholm

Lois Denholm, longtime cashier at Fairway Market, faces challenges caused by her husband’s medical problems. Photo by Marshall Smith
Lois Denholm, longtime cashier at Fairway Market, faces challenges caused by her husband’s medical problems.
Photo by Marshall Smith

In last week’s story about Fairway Market cashier Lois Denholm, we stated a bank account would be opened at the local BBVA Idyllwild branch. That account is now open.

Anyone wishing to help Lois and husband Bob can make a contribution at the bank. Just state you wish to make a deposit “for Lois Denholm.”

Denholm’s husband Bob is suffering from COPD and congestive heart failure, and can no longer live on the Hill.

As a result, Lois, 15-year Fairway employee, has been forced to find an apartment in Hemet.

She is trying to get the apartment set up prior to the end of the month so that Bob can be transferred from the rehab facility where he is currently receiving treatment. “Bob’s still having breathing treatments and experiencing tachycardia, rapid heartbeat,” said Lois.

In addition to needing financial assistance because of the expense of the unexpected move, Lois may also need help with moving.

Notes can be left for her at Fairway.

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