Past tense: April 16, 2015

65 years ago – 1950
The U.S. Forest Service was finishing plans for the Lake Fulmor dedication ceremony.
60 years ago – 1955
First- and second-graders from Idyllwild School were taken by bus to Hemet for polio vaccine shots.
55 years ago – 1960
“Biggest thing since the Inn burned down!” commented Jim Johnson as a 40-foot tree was being transplanted from Pine Cove. Placed in the center of town, the new town Christmas tree, unfortunately, died two years later.
50 years ago – 1965
By a wide margin, voters approved the unification of the Idyllwild, Hemet and Anza area schools.
45 years ago – 1970
The possibility that Garner Valley would be added to the national forest was boosted by the introduction of bills in the House of Representatives authorizing the appropriation of funds for the purchase of the valley.
40 years ago – 1975
Funeral services were held in Los Angeles for film star and part-time Idyllwild resident Marjorie Main. A veteran of 80 movies, Main was best known for her role as the eccentric farm wife in the “Ma and Pa Kettle” movies.
35 years ago – 1980
Due to sudden Santa Ana winds, a U.S. Forest Service controlled burn escaped on the San Bernardino National Forest. The resulting Chimney Fire burned for two days.
30 years ago – 1985
Plans for a helipad at the new Idyllwild Fire Station were put on hold until an official from the state’s Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics, reviewed and made recommendations on the proposed site.
25 years ago – 1990
The Idyllwild Water District board voted unanimously to amend a water conservation ordinance to prohibit new or additional water service connections during a severe water-shortage emergency.
20 years ago – 1995
Despite nearly a foot of snow falling on parts of the Hill Easter Sunday, Idyllwild’s Easter Egg Hunt went on as planned.
15 years ago – 2000
The state Department of Education honored Idyllwild School with recognition as a California Distinguished School.
10 years ago – 2005
The Federal Emergency Management Agency approved individual assistance for the Idyllwild area for damage incurred during the February windstorms.
5 years ago – 2010
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Peter Carroll approved Valley Health System’s plan of adjustment — its map to emerge from bankruptcy.
1 year ago – 2014
Five earthquakes occurred on the Hill and in nearby areas in recent days. All were less than 3.0-magnitude.