Pine Cove Property Owners decide on annual community gifts

Saturday was the Pine Cove Property Owners Association annual meeting to consider donations to local groups. Several representatives from various community groups came and spoke about how past donations were used and which current projects would benefit from a new donation.

Carolyn Levitski, on behalf of the Idyllwild Area Historical Society, described two major projects that would benefit from PCPOA’s help. IAHS is currently putting old editions of the Idyllwild Town Crier online. Already the issues between 1949 and 1956 are available.

Now it is working on the issues from 1946 to 1948 and from 1957 to 1960. Next will be the 1961 to 1964 editions.

The drought will affect the community garden at the IAHS site, so the group is hoping to purchase a water storage tank and collect rainwater from the building’s roof.

In response to this request, Jerry Holldber, Pine Cove Water District general manager, offered to notify the society when the district planned to flush its fire hydrants. If they had a tank to collect the water, he could make it available to them.

IAHS was not alone in requesting assistance from PCPOA. Seven other local groups also had representatives speak. They ranged from emergency prevention and assistance to the arts.

Colleen Meyer, the new executive director of the Idyllwild HELP Center, spoke about several assistance programs, particularly its food pantry, which is sustained without any public grants.

Both the Mountain Community Patrol and Mountain Disaster Preparedness groups had representatives describe projects for which they need some assistance.

Public safety groups were not the only groups who spoke at the meeting. Diane Burt requested help for the Idyllwild Actors Theatre. And Janice Murasko and Robert Hewitt asked for people who would be willing to foster dogs from Animal Rescue Friends of Idyllwild. They also talked about the June 6 Paws Rhythm and Brews event at the Nature Center.

After the meeting, the PCPOA board met privately to decide which organizations they could support and how much would be awarded. The organizations that will receive a grant from PCPOA are listed below. The amounts will be announced at the June PCPOA meeting, when the checks are given to the groups.

Organizations to receive a grant from the Pine Cove Property Owners Service

  • Animal Rescue Friends
  • Idyllwild Actors Theatre
  • Idyllwild Area Historical Society
  • Idyllwild HELP Center
  • Mile High Radio Club
  • Mountain Community Patrol
  • Mountain Community Fire Safe Council
  • Woodies
  • Mountain Disaster Preparedness
  • Pine Cove Fire Station 23
  • Tree Lighting Ceremony
  • Mr. Jay Mulder

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