Readers Write: Wrong headline …
What? She is being evicted, not retiring. Wrong headline. The county is trying to evict her. Sunny is still at the Nature Center, not at ARF, and the committee to save Sunny collected 75 signatures July 7 being forwarded to Supv. Washington.
Keith Herron at the county has made this decision based on one complainant who has inundated him with emails and complained to county supervisors.
Everyone I have spoken to hates this decision. This is not the Idyllwild way and not democractic. Sunny has no voice to protest. She is loved by everyone and this health issue is bogus.
We have had cats for 40 years and never had any illness; employees and volunteers have never had any illness.
Retiring sounds like she’s going to some island to live off her pension and sip mai tais. In fact, she will become another homeless cat and does not deserve to be treated this way.
That disease, toxoplasmosis, is transmitted chiefly by uncooked meat. Symptoms generally pass unremarked in adults.
Bill Walker