Mountain Folk: Dean’s List, Reviews and a new American Legion Post

Erec VonSeggern, son of Paul and Merrie VonSeggern of Idyllwild, made the dean’s list at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. Students are recognized with dean’s list honors for maintaining a cumulative 3.4 grade point average or higher for the full academic year. Eric is a is 2013 graduate of Hemet High School

Alexae Visel, Idyllwild “hillbilly” and Idyllwild Arts graduate, has costumes in the Off-Broadway play “Awake and Sing!” in New York. She is mentioned in a New York Times review at …

The August 2015 edition of “The American Legion” magazine announced the establishment of a new American Legion Post in Seoul, Korea, that is named the Col. Lewis L. Millett Post 38.  The post was chartered on May 7 with 16 charter members.

The late Col. Millett was an Idyllwild resident who received the Medal of Honor for his action in leading a bayonet charge during the Korean War.  Col. Millett was a member of Idyllwild Post 800.

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