Erec VonSeggern, son of Paul and Merrie VonSeggern of Idyllwild, made the dean’s list at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. Students are recognized with dean’s list honors for maintaining a cumulative 3.4 grade point average or higher for the full academic year. Eric is a is 2013 graduate of Hemet High School …
Alexae Visel, Idyllwild “hillbilly” and Idyllwild Arts graduate, has costumes in the Off-Broadway play “Awake and Sing!” in New York. She is mentioned in a New York Times review at …
The August 2015 edition of “The American Legion” magazine announced the establishment of a new American Legion Post in Seoul, Korea, that is named the Col. Lewis L. Millett Post 38. The post was chartered on May 7 with 16 charter members.
The late Col. Millett was an Idyllwild resident who received the Medal of Honor for his action in leading a bayonet charge during the Korean War. Col. Millett was a member of Idyllwild Post 800.