Challengers defeat two Idyllwild Water directors

The vote totals for the Idyllwild Water District election are now official and final. The district’s constituents signaled it’s time for a change, easily choosing both challengers and ending the tenure of two of the three incumbents seeking re-election.

Far in front was challenger Steven Kunkle, former IWD employee, with 267 votes or 32.9 percent of the total votes counted. But Kunkle was selected on more than 75 percent of the ballots cast in the election.

Second place was captured by the other challenger, June Rockwell, with 156 votes. Jim Billman, IWD president, was third, trailing Rockwell by three votes.

Incumbents Dean Lattin and Warren Monroe trailed with 129 and 106 votes, respectively.

“The people just said they want change at the water district,” Kunkle said when told the results. “I’m anxious to learn the stuff to be a good director.”

“I’m excited about the voters’ decision,” Rockwell said last week. “I’m looking forward to this new endeavor and will support the town of Idyllwild. I’m also open to new ideas.”

The turnout for IWD voters was 36 percent; 349 ballots were cast out of 969 eligible voters. In 2007, the last IWD election, district turnout was greater. Forty percent of voters cast 439 ballots. That year, both Billman and Monroe garnered more than 240 votes each.

The terms for Kunkle and Rockwell will begin the first week of December. Until then, they are directors-elect and subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act.

Idyllwild Water District election results August 2015

Candidate Votes Percent

Steven L. Kunkle 267 32.92

June Rockwell 156 19.24

Jim Billman 153 18.87

Dean W. Lattin 129 15.91

W. Warren Monroe 106 13.07

Total votes cast 811

Total ballots cast 349 36.02

Registration 969

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