Photos: This week in Idyllwild: January 7, 2016

Photo by Marshall Smith

Warm temperatures, generator break downs, Freon, wind, pine needles and stubborn rink surfaces plagued opening …
The annual Idyllwild 5K and 10K Fitness Run and Walk, a fundraiser for the Idyllwild School physical education program, is Saturday, June 6. The race was first run as a benefit to the Idyllwild School physical education program in the early 1980s; but the first locally organized 10-kilometer run preceded the fundraiser by several years….
Piano man and arranger Keith Droste and jazz chanteuse Sherry Williams wrap the Idyllwild Summer Concert Series’ 13th edition with some sounds sweet, stirring and swinging. Chicago native Droste, Berklee School of Music graduate and Oscar Peterson student, covers all the musical bases from jazz to Dixieland to Broadway. With Williams fronting the group,…
“Dahlia” was one four-legged customer with her owner at the Paws for Rhythm and Brews Craft Beer Festival at the Idyllwild Nature Center Saturday. The Animal Rescue Friends of Idyllwild organized and sponsored the event …
The winners from the Art Alliance of Idyllwild’s 2012 Judged Artist Member’s Show …
Beginning its 13th year, smARTS has returned the arts to local students. What started as a small project with only classes for four grades, now serves the entire Idyllwild School — from kindergarten through eighth grade. Nearly every Friday, teachers find time to accommodate the arts in the school’s curriculum. But smARTs is a PTA-sponsored…