
Past Tense: January 14, 2016

Nanci (McElfresh) Killingsworth, age 6, visiting Idyllwild in 1954. She and husband Ben are full-time Idyllwild residents and volunteers.Photo courtesy the killingworths
Nanci (McElfresh) Killingsworth, age 6, visiting Idyllwild in 1954. She and husband Ben are full-time Idyllwild residents and volunteers. Photo courtesy the killingworths

65 years ago – 1951

Dr. M.M. Null directed the set up of Town Hall’s basement as a Red Cross emergency clinic. Its purpose was to handle emergencies arising out of the Korean War and possible A-bomb attacks.

60 years ago – 1956

A bond election to purchase Idyllwild Water Company was placed before voters in the new Idyllwild County Water District. The issue was for $265,000.

55 years ago – 1961

Bob Muir gave a class on skiing safety and using the tow rope at the Halona Hill ski lift.

50 years ago – 1966

Realtor Jimmy Johnson  advertised a two-story, five-bedroom house for sale for $21,000.

45 years ago – 1971

Citing statistics claiming the Idyllwild and Pine Cove fire departments had responded to 58 first-aid calls in a month’s time related to sledding crashes, several civic organizations called for County Park to be designated a winter snow-play area.

40 years ago – 1976

About 100 residents of Garner Valley, Thomas Mountain and Mountain Center attended a meeting  for potential volunteer firefighters called by County Fire Department officials.

35 years ago – 1981

Village Market was advertising whole chickens at 59 cents per pound, avocados at 25 cents each and bread at 29 cents a loaf.

30 years ago – 1986

In the second-annual Great Anza to Hemet Cattle Drive, more than 150 horse riders drove 175 cattle from Terwilliger through Anza, down Bautista Canyon, along Fairview Avenue in Valle Vista, and onto Highway 74 (Florida Avenue) to the Farmers Fairgrounds in Hemet.

25 years ago – 1991

The Idyllwild Water District Board of Directors formed a committee to develop a “comprehensive plan to cut the (water) usage in the community to a level we can supply.” The district, then in the most restrictive Stage 3 water-use stage, was considering adding even more restrictive stages.

20 years ago – 1996

Gray’s Photo & News Store closed after the 66-year-old Idyllwild shop changed hands.

15 years ago – 2001

The worst storm in three years to hit Southern California dumped more than a foot of snow on the Hill, stranding motorists and shutting down businesses. Idyllwild School students were allowed to bring sleds to school to play in the snow at lunchtime.

10 years ago – 2006

Television and film star, and Hill resident, Conor O’Farrell celebrated his birthday at a celebrity roast at Café Aroma.

5 years ago – 2011

Riverside County established more than 40 warming centers throughout the county. But the one county area — the Hill — which was the most likely to encounter subfreezing temperatures, was not included on the list.

1 year ago – 2015

A new county-wide ambulance-service contract was approved by the Riverside County Board of Supervisor. Only 1st District Supervisor Kevin Jeffries opposed it, because he favored new competition for the contract.

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