
Readers Write: Praise for Idyllwild Fire’s first responders…


As full–time residents of this beautiful community, we have high praise for Idyllwild’s firefighters and, now, paramedic services.

In 2013, as we evacuated the Hill under threat of fire and poor air quality, we were impressed with the professionalism of the Idyllwild Fire Department.

Idyllwild Fire personnel met with us and our neighbors at least 24 hours before we left the Hill with advice on how to make it easier for them to defend our property.

Their level of care and proactive service made this scary situation more endurable. Last week, we called the Idyllwild Fire paramedics to assist our neighbor, an Idyllwilder of 40-plus years. Their rapid response, assessment and attention while driving this neighbor to the hospital in Palm Springs might have saved her life.

Our neighbor is home, recovering after three days in the hospital. She credits the paramedics who stayed with her until she was admitted with helping her stay calm.

When one reads of the ongoing oversight of our public services reported in the Town Crier, readers should not lose sight of the outstanding job performed by our first responders. We should not take these professionals for granted but consider the quality of service rendered to our community.

Paul and Nancy Leverenz


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