Seeking Emax award nominees
For the sixth consecutive year, the Idyllwild Town Crier is requesting nominations for the annual Ernie Maxwel Community Spirit Award. Bring your nomination to the Town Crier office at 54405 N. Circle Dr., mail it to P.O. Box 157, Idyllwild, CA 92549, or send by email to [email protected] by May 13.
The honor is given to an individual or group who represents EMax’s spirit of community and volunteerism. Prior awardees took actions that created a spark sufficient to bring others into the fray just as Maxwell did with his activities involving the environment.
The nomination information shoud provide the reason why the individual or group has been nominated. They should have demonstrated a tangible, perhaps physical, effect on the community. The Ernie Maxwell Scenic Trail is an example of accomplishment.
How long has your nominee been active in the community?
Provide a description of their vounteer contributions and accomplishments for the community.
And finally, can you show how these efforts have been adopted or expanded by the community?
The five previous awardees were the Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council in 2011, Dawn Sonnier in 2012, Robert Priefer in 2013, Annamarie Padula in 2014 and Wendy Read in 2015. A plaque in the Town Crier office lists the awardees’ names.
Later, you will have an opportunity to vote for the top three 2016 nominees.