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Hill fans show for Steele’s second day at Humana
When the starter announced Brendan Steele as being from Idyllwild, there was great applause from the many Hill residents following him today. In addition to his wife, his parents and his Montreal Super Fans, Mike Ogle, who also had followed Steele yesterday, was joined by Sandii Castleberry, her boyfriend Vern Jaksch and his mother, Rusty…
Spring snowstorm surprises
Some rain and mostly snow fell on the Hill Friday, May 8. In an unusual spring snowfall, more than 3 inches arrived overnight in town and more at higher elevations. Total precipitation recorded at the U.S. Forest Service’s Keenwild Ranger Station was just over 0.75 inches, bringing the rain year (July 1 through June 30)…

Morphett and Monroe management team still minds Idyllwild Water
Allan Morphett and Warren Monroe were re-elected president and vice president of the Idyllwild Water District (IWD) Board of Directors last week. Morphett was first elected president in December 2005 and Monroe was chosen vice president in December 2003.The duo has served on the board since December 2003. The board is considering changes to its…
Seeking Emax award nominees
For the 14th consecutive year, the Idyllwild Town Crier is requestingnominations for the annual Ernie Maxwell Community Spirit Award. Bringyour nomination to the Town Crier office at 54440 N. Circle Drive, Ste.F, mail it to P.O. Box 157, Idyllwild, CA 92549, or send by emailto [email protected] by 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26th. The honor is given to…

Local races bring few surprises
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Caltrans meets with Idyllwild community: new weekend access hours
Caltrans and other public officials met with the Idyllwild community Thursday night, June 13. Although repair of Highway 74 will continue for months, road officials are hoping that it can be opened 24 hours a day with flagging control by Labor Day. Until then, at the suggestion of 3rd District Supervisor Chuck Washington,…