Nighttime vandal targeting Idyllwild Massage

Shattered glass and damaged frames were left by the nighttime vandal targeting Karen Georg’s Idyllwild Massage on North Circle Drive. The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department is investigating. Photo by Jack Clark
Shattered glass and damaged frames were left by the nighttime vandal targeting Karen Georg’s Idyllwild Massage on North Circle Drive. The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department is investigating. Photo by Jack Clark

Karen Georg’s Idyllwild Massage on North Circle Drive has been the subject of nighttime vandalisms during recent months. In five separate incidents occurring nights or even weeks apart, storefront windows of her establishment have been shattered, apparently during nighttime hours, by the use of a pellet gun, a BB gun and rocks.

Georg, who specializes in therapeutic massage, has many clients who are receiving massage and stretching treatments for various injuries. It appears that none of the vandalisms took place during business hours.

Officers from the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department responded, collected evidence and took reports. Evidence, including videos from security cameras, has been obtained that will assist in identifying the perpetrator of these crimes.

Under California law, vandalism is a crime punishable as either a felony or a misdemeanor, depending upon a wide variety of circumstances involved. Traditionally, misdemeanors result in fines and imprisonment in the county jail, whereas felonies result in fines and state prison sentences for terms of years. Some fairly recent incidents of vandalisms of business storefronts in Los Angeles County have been investigated as felonies.

Anyone having information as to these crimes is urged to contact the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department at 951-776-1099 or 1-800-950-2444 (24 hour).

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