Photos of the week: September 15, 2016

Idyllwild Fire and the Idyllwild Volunteer Fire Company set up their annual 9/11 tribute on Highway 243 Sunday afternoon. Idyllwild Fire Chief Patrick Reitz wrote, “As 9/11 falls on a Sunday we are encouraging everyone to spend this day with their families. IFPD will again show our respect to those whom made the ultimate sacrifice by flying Old Glory high and proud from our Ladder on T621. Please take a moment to say I love you to your loved ones & remember the families of all of those that died in and since as a result the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.” Photo by Jenny Kirchner
Idyllwild Fire and the Idyllwild Volunteer Fire Company set up their annual 9/11 tribute on Highway 243 Sunday afternoon. Idyllwild Fire Chief Patrick Reitz wrote, “As 9/11 falls on a Sunday we are encouraging everyone to spend this day with their families. IFPD will again show our respect to those whom made the ultimate sacrifice by flying Old Glory high and proud from our Ladder on T621. Please take a moment to say I love you to your loved ones & remember the families of all of those that died in and since as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.” Photo by Jenny Kirchner


A quarter of the parking lot at Strawberry Creek Square was closed for paving Monday, causing confusion for drivers.Photo by Becky Clark
A quarter of the parking lot at Strawberry Creek Square was closed for paving Monday, causing confusion for drivers. Photo by Becky Clark


Pauline Dishman photographed this mountain lion from the back of her home on Chipmunk Drive last Wednesday morning. There was a cub, too, she said, of which she did not manage to get a picture.Photo by Pauline Dishman
Pauline Dishman photographed this mountain lion from the back of her home on Chipmunk Drive last Wednesday morning. There was a cub, too, she said, of which she did not manage to get a picture. Photo by Pauline Dishman


The Stratford Players of Idyllwild and the appreciative audience applaud each other after the thoroughly entertaining “Will in the Woods,” presented on Sunday, Sept. 11, at St. Hugh’s Episcopal Church. Playing various parts in snippets of plays by Shakespeare and contemporaries were, from left: Christopher Morse, Artistic Director Marsha Kennedy, Derrick Lewis, Harriet Briant, Doug Austin, Christine Hunt, Rena May, Mark Rogers, Jeannette Rogers, Dick English and Barbara Rayliss. Additional presentations are scheduled for Sept. 17 and 18. Photo by Tom Kluzak
The Stratford Players of Idyllwild and the appreciative audience applaud each other after the thoroughly entertaining “Will in the Woods,” presented on Sunday, Sept. 11, at St. Hugh’s Episcopal Church. Playing various parts in snippets of plays by Shakespeare and contemporaries were, from left: Christopher Morse, Artistic Director Marsha Kennedy, Derrick Lewis, Harriet Briant, Doug Austin, Christine Hunt, Rena May, Mark Rogers, Jeannette Rogers, Dick English and Barbara Rayliss. Additional presentations are scheduled for Sept. 17 and 18. Photo by Tom Kluzak


Students and visitors filled the Parks Exhibition Center on Friday, Sept. 9, for the opening reception of the Visual Arts Faculty Show. The show features a variety of beautiful, thought-provoking original works by the nine members of the Idyllwild Arts Visual Arts Department, including photographs, paintings, sculptures and mixed media. The show runs through Friday, Sept. 16.Photo by Tom Kluzak
Students and visitors filled the Parks Exhibition Center on Friday, Sept. 9, for the opening reception of the Visual Arts Faculty Show. The show features a variety of beautiful, thought-provoking original works by the nine members of the Idyllwild Arts Visual Arts Department, including photographs, paintings, sculptures and mixed media. The show runs through Friday, Sept. 16. Photo by Tom Kluzak


Pentagrams and Daisies, Colin Garth Smith on guitars, and Monica Sierras, vocals, were the evening entertainment at FERRO, Saturday, Sept. 10. Photo by Alan Belanger
Pentagrams and Daisies, Colin Garth Smith on guitars, and Monica Sierras, vocals, were the evening entertainment at FERRO, Saturday, Sept. 10.
Photo by Alan Belanger




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