Idyllwild gets in the Halloween spirit

What could be better than an outdoor summer concert with the big band hits of the Dorsey Brothers and vocals made famous by the Pied Pipers? And it’s not just nostalgia for another time. This music swings. The smooth sounds of clarinets, saxes, trumpets and trombones in recognizable ’40s harmony, driven by a walking bass…
Tax-funded recreation in Idyllwild continues under Riverside County Regional Park & Open Space management until January of 2017 when a new recreation provider will be selected. Until then, major decisions are held in abeyance. A Request for Proposal to manage local recreation was sent out by the county last month and closed at 5 p.m….
Despite several conservation groups attempting to get the Monarch butterfly listed as a federally endangered species, in December 2020, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department rejected the groups’ 2014 petition.“We conducted an intensive, thorough review using a rigorous, transparent science-based process and found that the monarch meets listing criteria under the Endangered Species Act. However,…
By James SalesContributed Father Dan Rondeau was peppered by people asking, “Did you spill something?” Father Rondeau’s robe was stained. The vestry closet, where the vestments lived, was checked. No clue there, as all seemed right. Then the top of the closet was inspected and the figurines from the stored nativity scene were sitting in…
What’s in a name? Well, if the name is Shakespeare, the answer is some of the greatest, if not the greatest writing in the English language — magnificent and eloquent language with characters and plots to satisfy every appetite and attention span. Heartbreaking romances, bawdy humor, epic adventure, conniving and skullduggery, heroes, thieves and villains…
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That’s my talented, amazing daughter, Tawny! Her friend Yvette, and me in the middle. (I have lived from one coast to the other, Hawaii and Europe, as a Naval Officer’s daughter, and I have never before experienced so much candy giving and costuming creativity for Halloween EVER! It was SO much fun! I loved sharing this time with you Idyllwild! I really needed this break from OC, Thank you to ALL the generous Trick or Treat GIVERS and to my beautiful AMAZING DAUGHTERS, (Moriah and Tawny) from this RENEWED “big kid!”