PHOTOS: This Week in Idyllwild: December 1, 2016

Shanna Robb, Art Alliance of Idyllwild president, presents a check for $11,000 to Michael Slocum, Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation president, on the campus of Idyllwild Arts. The donation represents a portion of the proceeds from the 19th annual Art Walk and Wine Tasting in October and will be used for scholarships for campus students.   Photo by Tom Kluzak
Shanna Robb, Art Alliance of Idyllwild president, presents a check for $11,000 to Michael Slocum, Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation president, on the campus of Idyllwild Arts. The donation represents a portion of the proceeds from the 19th annual Art Walk and Wine Tasting in October and will be used for scholarships for campus students. Photo by Tom Kluzak


Mark Huston and the Working Men performed at Jo’An’s Saturday afternoon before the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. Photo by Amy Righetti
Mark Huston and the Working Men performed at Jo’An’s Saturday afternoon before the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. Photo by Amy Righetti


Cannon Shockley from Leadville, Colorado, plays games with Emma and Rylan Righetti at Game Day at the Idyllwild Library before the annual Tree Lighting on Saturday. Photo by Amy Righetti
Cannon Shockley from Leadville, Colorado, plays games with Emma and Rylan Righetti at Game Day at the Idyllwild Library before the annual Tree Lighting on Saturday. Photo by Amy Righetti


Jayden Emerson, a sophomore at California Baptist University and from Idyllwild, finished 86th in the National Cross-County Championship for the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Division 2. The team finished 15th and Emerson had the second best time for the team in the 10-kilometer race. Photo by Jessica Priefer
Jayden Emerson, a sophomore at California Baptist University and from Idyllwild, finished 86th in the National Cross-County Championship for the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Division 2. The team finished 15th and Emerson had the second best time for the team in the 10-kilometer race. Photo by Jessica Priefer


Sandii Castleberry plays holiday songs for parents and kids during Storytime at the Idyllwild Library Monday morning. Photo by John Drake
Sandii Castleberry plays holiday songs for parents and kids during Storytime at the Idyllwild Library Monday morning. Photo by John Drake


The Art Alliance of Idyllwild delivered new art supplies to the HELP Center for its Holiday Drive. HELP Center representatives Colleen Meyer and Skye Zanbrana, are shown here with Zack Steinhaus, AAI board member. Photo by Shana Robb
The Art Alliance of Idyllwild delivered new art supplies to the HELP Center for its Holiday Drive. HELP Center representatives Colleen Meyer and Skye Zanbrana, are shown here with Zack Steinhaus, AAI board member.
Photo by Shana Robb

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