PHOTOS: This Week in Idyllwild: January 19, 2017

Riverside County snow equipment was the feature at Monday, Jan 9, Storytime at the Idyllwild Library. Aliyah Rempel takes a seat on the snow plow and imagines driving the vehicle. Photo by John Drake


Idyllwild Rotary President Roland Gaebert presents an official Rotary mug to Jen Hajj after she spoke to members at the weekly meeting of the Club on Wednesday, Jan. 11. Hajj spoke about the power of music, leading her to open the Music Play Center, offering group singing, guitar and family music lessons in Idyllwild.
Photo by Tom Kluzak


A few hardy souls were out at Lake Hemet on Saturday for the eagle count, led by biologists from the U.S. Forest Service. Both bald eagles were seen Saturday, according to District Biologist Ann Bowers. One eagle was spotted sitting and observing the observers from afar, across the lake (inset). The next count will be Feb. 11. Photo by Tom Kluzak


Four Idyllwild School students participated in the 40th-annual Hemet Unified School District Spelling Bee at HUSD offices Tuesday, Jan 10. The students were (from left) Michael Stroud, sixth grade; Mei Li Stroud, fifth grade; Timothy Mejia, eighth grade; and Martina Navarrete, fourth grade. Photo by Vic Scavarda


It was clear skies between storms on Tuesday afternoon. The high country still glowed white after snow showers the week before and locals were taking in the sun and bracing for a big dump, forecast to come Wednesday night. Photo by Mandy Johnson


Attendees of the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema take a break outside the Rustic Theatre on Saturday, Jan. 14. Photo by Tom Kluzak


Photo by Peter Szabadi


Photo by Peter Szabadi


Photo by Tom Kluzak


Photo by Tom Kluzak


Chuck Washington, Riverside County supervisor, addresses the audience at the Awards Ceremony prior to awarding the Chuck Washington Best of Festival Award.
Photo by Tom Kluzak


Cassie Jaye, director of “The Red Pill,” accepts the Chuck Washington Best of Festival Award at the IIFC Awards Ceremony on Jan. 15. Photo by Tom Kluzak


Shirley Sui, winner of the Best Student Film under 18 Award gives her acceptance speech at the IIFC Awards Ceremony. Photo by Tom Kluzak


Patron of the arts in Idyllwild Doug Austin presents the Faulkner Award for Community Service to Idyllwild to Phyllis Mueller. Mueller, best known for her role as “mother” of Mayor Max, is also the driving force behind the annual tree lighting in downtown Idyllwild. Photo by Tom Kluzak


Popcorn and movies made an enjoyable afternoon for everyone who attended the Children’s Film Festival on Saturday, Jan. 14, at the Idyllwild Library. The second Saturday of the event, held in conjunction with the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema, featured films whose audience was children (and adults) ages 10 and up. Photo by Tom Kluzak


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