Legion Warming Center open for business

American Legion Post 800 Commander Danny Richardson said the Legion Warming Center has been open for the last four days. “I called the county and notified JP at the Town Crier who posted it online,” said Richardson. “We’ve stayed open till 8 at night if there were people here. I also notified IFPD Chief Reitz and Mountain Disaster Preparedness to help notify people that we were open and see if anyone needed transportation.

“We also made the announcement at Rotary and posted on Facebook.”

Richardson said that he and wife Terri had been there to staff the Warming Center and provide hot food. “Each day we’ve had some kind of warm dinner — chicken noodle soup, chili cheese dogs and today [Monday, Jan. 23], we’re having spaghetti.”

Richardson noted the Post will continue to activate and stay open in the evening during winter emergencies.

Bob Lewis, County Service Area 36 recreation director, said Town Hall also would continue to operate as a Warming Center during hours Town Hall is normally open, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Unofficially, although not a county-designated Warming Center, the Idyllwild Library welcomes people to stop in if in need of warmth, according to Shannon Ng, library branch manager and librarian. “During normal business hours, people are welcome to come in,” said Ng.

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