Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” the cats welcomed two new cats and two new dogs.
Bobbie: I’ll tell ya, dogs are flying outta here faster than mice at a cat convention!
Audrey: Gemma and Charlie? Where’d they go?
Bobbie: Adopted. Boom! Just like that.
Pepper: I watched Gemma meet her new dad. She was so happy. And Charlie will have two kids to play with. Lucky dogs.
Bobbie: Don’t worry, Pepper. Our day is coming. Have you met the new cats, Joey and Cali?
Audrey: I have! They’re really nice and really big! Wow! Cali is 20 pounds, and Joey is 17 pounds. Guess they’re on a
Bobbie: I heard the ARF humans saying they are going to help them get to a healthier weight. You know, some humans really like big cats. Oh, and these two are declawed!
Cali: Are you talking about me? Yeah, I’m big, but I’m loveable!
Pepper: And I have to say you’re very pretty. You’ve got great Calico markings. Oh, here’s Joey!
Joey: (creeping in) Hi! I’m Joey. Nice to meet you.
Bobbie: Wow! Joey, you look like a jumbo-sized George!
George: (running in) Did someone call me?
Bobbie: No, but look at Joey. He’s the same beautiful orange as you.
George: Well I’ll be darned! We do look a lot alike, except for our, um, weight.
Joey: Hi, George. When I lose some weight, I bet humans will think we’re brothers!
Cali: I hope someone comes in to meet us soon. They’ll love us.
Pepper: And the rest of us, too!
Who will be the first to visit Joey and Cali? And be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.
Creature Corner is sponsored in memory of all beloved pets.