Out Loud: July 13, 2017
My editorial last week stirred up some people. I received not just letters, but text messages and phone calls. Jack and I appreciated that support for the TC regarding sponsorship of the Idyllwild Summer Concert Series. But we didn’t expect anything to change.
Then, Pete Holzman surprised me Monday morning after Jack and I arrived at work. Halie handed me an orange sticky note with Pete’s contact info and the message, “Wants to come see you ASAP.”
Later that morning, he arrived with a letter to the editor that he asked us to read. (It’s here to the right of this column.) His side of the conversation to us was so sincere and apologetic we were blown away. All I could think of the rest of the day regarding that conversation and letter was that Pete has integrity. And that is a quality that is rarely seen. When you experience that from another person, it is something that affects you for a long time.
I’ve always liked Pete and his partner Sue Parker. We had them over for Thanksgiving one year where they helped rescue a plugged kitchen sink and entertained our grandchildren with music and song. But my admiration goes much farther now.
Jack and I appreciate not only Pete, but Ken Dahleen and Craig Coopersmith for reversing their decision and allowing us to work as supporters again. We’ll see you Thursday night.
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Last week was a tough one with not just a typical challenging week after a holiday, but unusual people trying to throw monkey wrenches at us with false representation and false accusation. Plus, deep sadness following James Larkin’s memorial service the prior Sunday.
I needed a home weekend, one where I work on a project such as my back deck and also relax.
I felt happy that my Navy son, Zac, was in the house with his kids when I finished a few NY Times crosswords in bed Saturday morning. (Not the tough Saturday ones like you do, Lou Padula.)
But I did very little on the deck except plan out ideas and take a drive into town to get a patio watering kit and visit some thrift stores for ideas that wouldn’t cost much.
The prior weekend, Zac and the kids also had stayed over. My grandson asked if we could do a jigsaw puzzle together. It didn’t take much to convince me because I had been craving the chance to do one for some time. I find them mentally and emotionally relaxing.
I let him pick it out and it started out a doozy. It was 1,000 pieces and all the edges were black. We spent enough time on them they became boring, so we walked away.
During nights at home last week, I worked on the inside of the puzzle. That was a first. I always do all the edges before starting the inside.
My grandson took over Saturday morning before I knew he was there. The rest of the weekend, most of what I, Zac and my grandson did was talk and work on the puzzle. It was a doozy of a puzzle with many intricate parts to it. By the time we finished just before he had to leave to go back to San Diego, Zac and I sorted out work-related issues for both of us and felt rested for Monday morning.
Becky Clark, Editor