After testing, health officials not worried about TB at school

Last week, the Town Crier reported an active tuberculosis case affecting a Tahquitz High School student in Hemet.

On Thursday, Aug. 17, Riverside County Public Health Officer Dr. Cameron Kaiser determined that tuberculosis test results from the clinic held at Tahquitz High School from approximately 150 students were within expected levels that health officials expect to find in the general public.

At this time, testing will not be expanded to other students or staff, Kaiser said.

The testing was done after a student was recently diagnosed with active TB. The student is receiving treatment and is expected to recover. The student is not being identified due to confidentiality requirements.

The other students were given skin tests Tuesday, Aug. 15, and results were read Thursday, Aug. 17, at the school. A positive test result means the person had been exposed to TB at some time in the past, but does not necessarily mean the person has an active case of the disease.

Those who tested positive will get a chest X-ray and follow up with an appropriate provider. The X-ray will help determine whether an individual might have a latent TB infection, which is not contagious, rather than active TB.

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