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News of Record: March 17, 2022
Idyllwild FireThe Idyllwild Fire Protection District responded to these calls from Monday to Sunday, March 7 to 13. • March 7 — EMS call, provide advanced life support, 9:11 a.m. N. Circle Dr.• March 8 — EMS call, provide first aid & check for injuries, 11:31 a.m. Maranatha Dr.• March 8 — EMS call, provide…
Idyllwild library to hold book sale
The Friends of the Idyllwild Library will hold a Labor Day weekend sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 3, and Sunday, Sept. 4, on the library deck at 54185 Pine Crest Avenue. This will be the last sale of the year. There will be many books available, and very reasonably priced collectible…

Agencies ready for fire season
Road closures will not limit access in an emergency The Mountain Area Safety Taskforce met Wednesday, June 12 with attendance remaining slightly less than normal, due to the current road closures from Hemet and Banning. MAST meets about quarterly. Fire officials — federal, state and local — described their winter projects and preparation for the…

Many inches of snow on ground; Idyllwild roads cleared
We received quite a bit of new fallen snow last night. But thanks to Cal Trans and Riverside county Roads, the roads have been plowed, travel around the Hill is fine …
San Bernardino National Forest takes steps to reduce human-caused wildfires
By U.S. Forest ServiceContributed U.S. Forest Service-San Bernardino National Forest is enacting additional fire restrictions to protect the health and safety of employees and communities, effective immediately and until further notice: • While operating an internal combustion engine, such as a generator, that engine must not leave a paved, dirt or gravel Forest Service System…

Rosario Garcia’s family talks to the TC
This year, seven people have officially gone missing in the area. Four of those people still have not been found. Rosario Garcia was last seen on July 7, and her family has been left with a deep, vast hole of unanswered questions and grief. On Nov. 29, Maggie Zavala, Garcia’s daughter, and Laura Atenci, Garcia’s…