Only six more weeks until the one-year anniversary of our Town Crier Membership model. That’s when the moment of truth will begin, i.e., when it’s time to begin renewing the earliest Charter Memberships. If the Town Crier is to be ongoing, the Membership model has to be ongoing, too. It is crucial that prospective new owners/publishers see that the Membership model continues to work successfully into a second year.
So please plan to renew your Membership when it comes up.
And also, please plan to attend our weekly news meetings, open to the public, Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. at the Town Crier office. That’s when we decide on news stories for the upcoming week. However, this week, because of the Wednesday holiday, the news meeting will be at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, July 5.
Town Crier Charter Members
Saving and Supporting the Town Crier for our Community
(558 Charter Members as of July 3, 2018)