Readers Write: Somebody should apologize
KNBC local news should be recognized for its weather reporting. Every evening, it displays a map of its prediction for the “Maximum Temperature for Tomorrow.”
It displays various areas around Los Angeles, including one for the Inland Empire: Riverside, San Bernardino, Corona, Hemet, Palm Springs and Idyllwild.
During the Cranston Fire, it featured a very informative telephone interview of the deputy chief of staff of the Idyllwild mayor. Much appreciated. I didn’t know the city had such an extensive bureaucracy.
But when Fritz Coleman presents the weather news, he artfully steps around and stands directly in front of and blocking the view of “Idyllwild Temperature Prediction.”
Why Idyllwild? Every other city is visible. Who in Idyllwild has offended Fritz? They should step forward and make amends and apologies to him for their transgression.
Do what you can to put Idyllwild back on the weather map.
Byron Edwards