Water loss down significantly
For the second consecutive month, the directors of the Pine Cove Water District had no old or new business on their meeting agenda. Reviewing the financial report for September and the budget for the first quarter of fiscal year 2018-19, and hearing General Manager Jerry Holldber’s operations report made up the brief meeting.
As of the end of September, PCWD has $246,000 in cash reserves, which is down slightly from the end of FY 2017-18, and about the same as this period in 2017.
After the first quarter of this FY, revenues are about 18 percent of the projected total. That is about normal since Riverside County does not disburse property tax revenue to special districts until late December. During this quarter, PCWD has sold another new meter ($9,000), but projects one more meter to be sold before the FY ends.
Expenses were $246,200, which is 26 percent of the projected total. During the first quarter, several items, such as insurance, worker’s compensation and the audit, are paid in full, rather than pro rata during the year.
Holldber reported that water production in September was 3.1 million gallons, compared to 2.9 million in September 2017.
“It’s a little bit more than the year before,” he told the board.
Total production for the first nine months of 2018 has been 25.9 million gallons, which is 2.8 million less than the same period in 2017. However, total production is estimated to be more than the years prior to 2017 as a result of the growing full-time population in the district, according to Holldber.
“The water system is fantastic. There are no problems and no concerns,” he shared with the board.
Water loss has fallen to 7 percent, compared to 7.5 percent in August and 9 percent in October 2017. For all of 2017, the loss was 16 percent total. After adjusting for the stolen water, it was 10 percent.
“I’m ecstatic about that 7-percent loss,” noted President Robert Hewitt.
“The last six months have seen a remarkable improvement,” Holldber replied.
The mainline pipe for the South Central project, about 3,000 feet, has been installed, he said. This includes five more water hydrants, for which the crews at Fire Station 23 are grateful. Community Service Area 38 (Pine Cove) provided the money for the hydrants.
Full services to this line will be completed next summer, he added.