forestThe U.S. Forest Service’s Pacific Southwest Region is seeking nominations to fill the 11-member Recreation Resource Advisory Committee in California.
Recreation committee members recommend recreation fee changes at national forest sites throughout California. This includes making recreation fee program recommendations on implementing or eliminating standard amenity fees; expanded amenity fees; and noncommercial, individual special recreation permit fees; expanding or limiting the recreation fee program; and fee-level changes.
Nominations are being accepted through Aug. 1.
The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act, signed in December 2004, directs the secretary of Agriculture, the secretary of the Interior, or both to establish Recreation Resource committees, or use existing advisory committees to perform these duties.
Recreation committee members represent various interests. Five persons are to represent recreation users and activities, which will be dependent on the season and mechanized equipment.
These types of recreational activities include winter motorized recreation such as snowmobiling; winter nonmotorized recreation such as snowshoeing, cross-country and downhill skiing, and snowboarding; summer motorized recreation such as motorcycling, boating and off-highway vehicle driving; summer nonmotorized recreation such as backpacking, horseback riding, mountain biking, canoeing and rafting; and hunting and fishing.
Three persons will represent interest groups that include motorized outfitters and guides, and nonmotorized outfitters and guides. The third person will represent local environmental groups
The other three members will represent the following interests: a tourism official representing the state; a representative of affected Native American tribes; and a representative of affected local government interests.
The secretary will appoint members for staggered terms of two and three years beginning on the date members are first appointed. The secretary may reappoint members to subsequent two- or three-year terms.
Membership appointments are based on the following criteria: qualifications to represent the desired interest group; rationale for committee service and desired contributions; and experience working successfully as part of a collaborative group.
Committee membership will be fairly balanced in terms of the point of view represented and functions to be performed. The committee’s jurisdiction includes national forests and/or Bureau of Land Management managed lands, in the state of California. They receive travel and per diem expenses for regularly scheduled meetings, but do not receive pay or other compensation.
Nominees’ demonstrated ability to represent minorities, women and persons with disabilities also will be considered in membership selections.
For more information, visit, or contact Matthew Boisseau at 707-562-8846 or [email protected].
Interested individuals must complete an application and provide background information supporting their qualifications to represent at least one of the identified interest groups by Aug. 1. Applications are available at and completed applications must be mailed to: USFS Region 5- Recreation RAC Nomination Attn: Matthew Boisseau, 1323 Club Drive, Vallejo, CA 94592.