Community meeting on highway closures on Thursday, June 13

Caltrans, in cooperation with Mountain Disaster Preparedness, will hold another community meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 13, at the Idyllwild School.
Caltrans staff, Ames Construction Inc., the California Highway Patrol and Riverside County 3rd District Supervisor Chuck Washington will discuss the current status of the repairs and reconstruction of highways 74 and 243 and escort process, and answer questions from the community in relation to the emergency projects.
For those with sensory disabilities requiring alternate formats (such as Braille, large print, sign language interpreter, etc.) and those needing information in a language other than English, contact Terri Kasinga at 951-232-4268 or TTY 711 by June 10.
MDP is organizing and sponsoring the event for local residents and visitors.
Caltrans told the Town Crier on Wednesday that Highway 74 from Hemet to Mountain Center will open with an escort starting at 4 p.m. for the June 13 meeting.
I drive up and back Hwy 74 once a week to Hemet. Don’t see much progress or equipment lately. Worked 50 years in construction contracting. Project looks mismanaged. Is it incompetence or corruption or both? Washington and Caltrans were duped and sucker punched by Ames. Should have more than one contractor for Hwy 74 & 243. Skanska and Granite could do it. Where is contract penalty clause enforcement for not completing on time? If fire breaks out near Mt Center and heads to Idy, we are all trapped and fried! Hotter than hell yesterday and today. Fire weather! Where is Ruiz, Feinstein, and Kamala Harris. We need someone pounding the table. Billions of $ being wasted on the high speed rail to nowhere but what about our mountain roads? IS ANYBODY LISTENING?